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I have always believed that the very first thing we should be concerned about when it comes to our companion animals is what we feed them. I have taught and lectured on this for over 25 years. I have seen the enormous benefits with my own companion animals, as well as with the thousands of animals that I have seen switched to a natural diet.
I recommend feeding our companion animals all natural foods that contain no preservatives, added salt, sugar, artificial coloring or flavoring. Ideally, we should use only human-consumption grade ingredients and we must never compromise on the quality of the ingredients that we feed.In addition to preservatives, many commercial foods include meats that are of questionable quality. We hear of so many dogs and cats with allergies, kidney problems, liver problems, and cancer. It is appalling. A natural diet can prevent and sometimes change completely the course of an animal’s life. We have seen horrible allergies in dogs and cats clear up just by changing the diet to a totally natural diet and by adding essential fatty acids, including flax, borage, hemp, or evening primrose oils. It is truly amazing to see these animals who have suffered for so long improve so dramatically just by changing their food! So what can we do? My answer for the past 24 years has always been the same -- cook for your companion animals. The reaction to suggesting people cook for their animals is often an initial knee-jerk one --- “Cook for my dog, I don’t even cook for myself!”
But the reality is that once they try it, they find it is not that difficult and the results are so incredible that they make the commitment to their best friend to do the best thing. It really only takes about 8 to 10 minutes a day to cook a wholesome, balanced, and all natural, preservative-free meal. Most guardians see an immediate improvement in skin and coat, eye clarity, energy and vitality, and digestion. The ratio I recommend is 40 percent protein, 30 percent grains, 30 percent vegetables and, of course, added oils. I suggest rotating proteins every week because nature made each source of protein slightly different. The amino acid chains and concentration of amino acids is different in each and every protein and it is healthful for your companion to have each of these different amino acid chains. Suggested proteins are beef, tripe, chicken, turkey, fish, tofu, lentils, and eggs. I also suggest rotating oils, such as flax, olive, hemp, borage, black current, wheat germ, etc.
I also recommend herbs and vitamins in a natural multi-supplement. Use one-quarter (1/4) teaspoon of the following per pound of food: Lecithin granules Fresh garlic Nutritional yeast Alfalfa powder Sprirulina Bee Pollen granules
Changing your companion animals to an all natural diet reaps its own rewards. Your friend will be happier, healthier, and with you for a longer time. I have also seen less need to visit the vet for illness and more for wellness. Plus, your dogs and cats will be more vital. We who love our companion animals and want to do the very best for them find that the little extra time and energy it takes to prepare healthful foods is well worth it. And the thanks we get is a thousand extra kisses and so much more!
Dr. Harvey Cohen, a pioneer in holistic and natural nutrition for animals, is a chiropractic physician who has always had a deep love and interest in animals. He is the director of Dr. Harvey’s Healthy Formulations, a company dedicated to the health and longevity of all animals. He can be reached at his toll-free number 1-866-Doc-H-123 (1-866-362-4123), through email at, or by visiting his website,
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