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Let me get this straight: Michael Vick, former quarterback for the Atlanta Falcons, who admitted to bankrolling a horrendous dogfighting operation out of his home in Virginia has been forgiven by NFL Commissioner Roger Goodall. Vick will be allowed to participate in all preseason games and meetings and in October, at Goodall's discretion, can potentially play in regular games. Meanwhile, Dakota, a dog who allegedly took a newborn baby out of his crib and carried him off with no malicious ntent but more than likely was driven by protective maternal instincts, sits on "death row." Can we forgive a human for intentionally harming and killing dogs but not a dog who unintentionally harms a human?
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I Do Believe in Miracles by Judy, Editor-in-Chief ?My dog Cookie has defied the odds. Despite having?serious health problems - including IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease), EPI (Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency), and liver problems -- she has made a comeback.? Though confronted with a bleak prognosis and daunting odds, I never gave up hope. ? Read more...
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I told my dog Cookie (my copilot, my best friend, my loyal companion) that if love alone could heal her, she’d be running in the park, jumping hoops in agility, and just simply feeling great. But unfortunately love alone will not heal her or bring her back to the robust and healthy dog she once was. In October 2008, Cookie was diagnosed with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI), and liver problems. Regardless of how this happened (origins unknown), we must now rely on expert veterinary care to make her better. Of course, with a lot of love thrown in.
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UPDATE: On November 4, 2008 California voters did the right thing and overwhelmingly voted in favor of Prop 2 ensuring more humane treatment of farm animals and safer health standards. An important ballot initiative is coming up for a vote in California on November 4. It is about the humane treatment of farm animals. While this initiative only affects animals in California, it may lead to similar measures in other states in the future. As Wayne Pacelle, President of The Humane Society of the United States, says -- these animals make the ultimate sacrifice for us. Can't we afford them some quality of life?
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I’d like to thank everyone for visiting Green Paw and especially those of you who registered to be a member.
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On March 16, 2007 the ground shook for every dog and cat person in North America. It was as if there was an earthquake – a big one – and the aftershocks just keep on coming. The question is – when will it end? And another question – when did it really begin? What exactly is the truth behind the Pet Food Recall – the largest of its kind in U.S. history?
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It is a blessing and a curse that we, as animal companions, often are the ones who ultimately decide when it's time for our pets to leave us. As much as we love them and can't bear to lose them, letting them go is one of the greatest gifts we can give them. But, how do we know when it's time?
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In October 2006 - five months before the Pet Food Recall story broke - my beloved cat Zachariah almost died. He was in severe renal (kidney) failure. His condition came out of the blue – as he had no previous kidney problems. After a roller coaster ride that lasted several days and involved the heroic efforts of three vets, he miraculously pulled through. The food Zach was on never made the recall list. Is this just a case of coincidence, or something bigger? You be the judge.
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Three years ago I read a story that really touched me. It was the story of a school teacher and her fourth-grade students who were saving animals from being euthanized at their local shelter. And I knew that someday, somehow I would try to help them. That day has come. They were making a difference. And now I hope to make a difference, too.
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Welcome to GreenPaw.com, a free online publication providing information, news, and resources related to the natural wellness of animals, but also encompassing the wellness of their human companions and the environment.
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