Terms & Conditions for all Visitors to and Users of Greenpaw.com
and its Affiliated Websites


All content posted on GreenPaw.com and its affiliated websites (hereinafter, collectively, “GreenPaw.com”) is provided solely for informational and entertainment purposes only. No warranty is made as to the accuracy, adequacy, sufficiency or substantiality of any of the content listed, posted or displayed anywhere on GreenPaw.com (hereinafter, “Our Content”). Our Content should not be relied upon to treat, diagnose or decline to do the same, for any condition or circumstance. Visitors to GreenPaw.com hereby warrant and represent that they will not rely in any manner on any of Our Content for any purpose and expressly waive any right or claim based upon such reliance. Should any of Our Content lead any visitor to have any concern about themselves, their loved ones or their pets, they should seek immediate advice from an appropriate professional.


Some of Our Content may discuss health, behavioral or various care and wellness issues related to animals. Our Content is not intended as a guide for diagnosing, treating or otherwise caring for any animal. Any of Our Content related to the care, diagnosis or treatment of any condition of any animal is provided solely for informational and discussion purposes. You should always seek the advice of your veterinarian or other professional for specific issues regarding your pet’s condition. Do not delay obtaining or disregard the advice of a qualified professional because of something you have read on our site.


Our Content may include contributions or postings from authors or visitors not employed by Green Paw, LLC (hereinafter, “Outside Contributors”). Any opinions or statements expressed by any Outside Contributors is solely the opinion or statement of that individual Outside Contributor and should not be construed as an opinion, statement or policy of Green Paw, LLC. Visitors to GreenPaw.com expressly waive any right or claim they may arising from or related to any opinion, statement or other content contributed by Outside Contributors.


All of Our Content is protected by copyright and other laws of the United States, the Berne Convention Treaty and other laws throughout the universe. None of Our Content may be copied, reproduced or otherwise exploited without the express, written permission of Green Paw, LLC. Green Paw, LLC expressly reserves all rights to all of Our Content.

If any of Our Content or any postings otherwise found on GreenPaw.com violate any copyright, trademark or other right, you may request its removal by contacting us at info@greenpaw.com and listing “Content Removal” in the subject line. In the body of your email, please identify the offending content, the owner of such content and contact information for such owner and we will contact you.


All visitors to our site must be 18 years of age or older. Visitors between the age of 13 and 18 may visit our site only with the consent of and under the supervision of their parent or legal guardian.

Anyone posting any content to GreenPaw.com warrants and represents that such postings do not and will not violate any rights of any individual or entity and, furthermore, do not contain vulgar, harmful, obscene, defamatory, threatening, hateful, embarrassing or abusive language (as determined by Green Paw, LLC in the exercise of its sole discretion). Anyone posting such content further warrants and represents that such postings do not and will not violate any laws of any local, state, national or international governing body.

Posting of advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, impersonations of others, or other postings that are deemed inappropriate in the sole and absolute discretion of Green Paw, LLC are subject to immediate removal.

All visitors and those posting content are expected to engage in content that does not restrict or inhibit the use or enjoyment by others of Our Content. Any visitor violating this policy is subject to having such postings removed and access to GreenPaw.com restricted or revoked.

Anyone posting any content on GreenPaw.com or submitting or otherwise delivering (via email or otherwise) any content to Green Paw, LLC, expressly waives any claim to any use of that content by any third party and expressly permits the use, copying or other exploitation of such content.


Green Paw, LLC does not recommend, endorse or warrant any advertiser on our site or any link to any third-party website. Any use of or reliance on any product or service advertised or any content on any third-party website linked from GreenPaw.com is entirely at the risk of our visitors.

If you would like to advertise on GreenPaw.com or sponsor any of Our Content, please contact us at info@greenpaw.com and put “Advertising” in the subject line.


All of Our Content is provided on an “as is” basis and is not subject to any warranty, either express or implied, subject to statute, through common law, or otherwise. All visitors to GreenPaw.com expressly waive any right or claim pursuant to any such warranty whether for merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or otherwise.

Neither Green Paw, LLC, nor its advertisers, licensors, suppliers or any third parties mentioned anywhere within GreenPaw.com shall be liable for any damages, causes of action or other claims arising out of any theory of law or any statute based upon any visitor’s use or inability to use any of Our Content.

Any claims for any liability arising from any use of Our Content or pursuant to any visit to GreenPaw.com must be brought within one (1) year of the date of the event that gave rise to such claim or liability. All visitors to this site agree that any damages recoverable pursuant to any such claim shall be limited to not more than $1,000.00 (United States Currency).


Green Paw, LLC does not share its visitors contact information or email addresses with any third party. Registered users to GreenPaw.com who provide their email address expressly permit Green Paw, LLC to contact such users via email or otherwise with information, products or services that we believe may be of interest to our users. Users may opt-out of this service at anytime by emailing us at unsubscribe@greenpaw.com from the email address provided to GreenPaw.com. Please read our full Privacy Policy.


All visitors to GreenPaw.com expressly agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal courts located within the State of California for any dispute in any way arising from or related to any of Our Content or to any visit to GreenPaw.com. Venue for any such dispute shall be the state and federal courts located within the County of Los Angeles, California.

If any provision of these Terms and Conditions are found to be invalid by any court having competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions, which shall remain in full force and effect. No waiver of any of these Terms and Conditions shall be deemed a further and continuing waiver of such term or condition or any other term or condition. These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between any visitor to GreenPaw.com and GreenPaw.com, Green Paw, LLC and its officers, directors, employees, subsidiaries and affiliates.


Green Paw, LLC
P.O. Box 9642
North Hollywood, CA 91609-1642

Phone : +1 310-205-2685
Fax : +1 310-694-9036


Judy Parisi, Editor-in-Chief

William, SubDreamer Admin


Privacy & Terms of Use

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