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I Do Believe in Miracles by Judy, Editor-in-Chief ?My dog Cookie has defied the odds. Despite having?serious health problems - including IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease), EPI (Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency), and liver problems -- she has made a comeback.? Though confronted with a bleak prognosis and daunting odds, I never gave up hope. ?Read more...

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, ASPCA
Pet Meds NEWS.



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Protect Pets in Hot Weather

While some of us are still experiencing the last winter freeze, others of us have gotten past the cold hump. Whether now or months from now, however, summer is coming for all of us.? And when we think of summer, we often think of fun times, vacation, picnics, barbecues, trips to the beach and parks.? But, whether at home or taking your best friend along, please be aware of the potential hazards that the warmer temperatures can bring.??Read more...


Be Kind to Animals Week - May

National Pet Week & Be Kind to Animals Week is the first week in May this year. I know what all you animal lovers like me are thinking out there -- why just one week? Well, you have to give American Humane credit for creating this event because since 1915 they've been trying to make people aware of the importance of being kind to animals. And, maybe - just maybe, if we help them spread the word about how to do this, more people will do it, not just one week of the year, but everyday. Read more...

Think Twice Before Getting a Bunny at Easter

When we think of Easter, we think of ornate baskets filled with colored eggs, chocolate, marshmallow chicks and, of course, jelly beans. Some people also think of real bunnies and how much fun it would be to get one or perhaps give one as the perfect novelty gift for a child or adult who has everything. Think again. Rabbits do make wonderful pets IF you are prepared for the responsibilities this new bundle of joy will bring.

Top 10 Medical Conditions that Affect Both People and Pets

Routinely, pet insurance company review their medical claims data to determine the top 10 "human" conditions that also affect pets (specifically dogs and cats). Topping the list are allergies. Here are listed the other nine. 1. Allergies. Pets can suffer allergic reactions from flea bite saliva, pollen and other airborne allergens, and foods. Read more...

"Open the Door": A Green Paw Member's Message on YouTube

Green Paw member Marilyn in Italy has rescued over one hundred dogs and cats from the streets and shelters in her country.  Today, she cares for 34 dogs and four cats who she says "are free to enjoy themselves on the land surrounding my house."  She put together a montage of great photos in a video on YouTube.  Her message: to "Open the Door" is inspiring.  Check out Marilyn's YouTube video. 

How Does a Dog Drink Water? You'll be Surprised!

Do you have any idea how your dog drinks water? You may think you know, but for the answer watch this amazing time warp video!  Click here for video!

GP Best Friends
Green Paw Best Friends: Meet Sydney


Meet SYDNEY as well as other Green Paw Best Friends.

SYDNEY, the "Wild Kitty" My cat Q had just died when I found a teensy kitten hopping around in the ivy outside the house. My first thought was I must get her out of harm?s way as the neighborhood was being invaded by coyotes looking for a good meal.? But there was no catching this girl easily. I put food out for her but she was extremely skittish, and more interested in eating bugs than the food I was supplying. For a month, I saw her hanging out with birds, squirrels, and lizard, her friends. Finally, she began eating the food I gave her.? I would watch from nearby but never too close. I wasn't up for another pet but I had to at least make sure she was ok. My friends got a "have a heart" trap and shortly caught her.

Read more about Sydney and other GP Best Friends.

Rovering Photographer
If Your Dog was in the Guinness Book of World Records, What Title Would s/he Hold?

GP's Rovering Photographer visited some Los Angeles parks, and asked people who were enjoying the day with their best friends:  If your dog was in the Guinness Book of World Records, what title would s/he hold?  See what answers we got. (Pictured: Tracy with Hannah - who excels at eating food -- like those people in hot dog contests, she would "kick butt"!)


October 15, 2024
Green Paw Best Friends
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